The Colour of Magic
Ingevoerd door: Martijn Ketelaars (Zaandam)
Datum: 26-3-2010 23:26:00
Laatste wijziging: 29-3-2010 23:35:00
Tournament type: Casual
Deck type:
Aantal Titel Type Cost Rarity Serie Prijs
1x Obelisk of Bant Artifact C ALA € 0,15
1x Obelisk of Esper Artifact C ALA € 0,15
1x Obelisk of Grixis Artifact C ALA € 0,15
1x Obelisk of Jund Artifact C ALA € 0,15
1x Obelisk of Naya Artifact C ALA € 0,15
1x Necra Disciple Creature C APC € 0,20
1x Necravolver Creature R APC € 0,40
1x Nightscape Apprentice Creature C INV € 0,20
1x Nightscape Battlemage Creature U PLS € 0,20
1x Nightscape Familiar Creature C PLS € 0,75
1x Nightscape Master Creature R INV € 0,40
1x Shadow Guildmage Creature R TSB € 0,25
1x Ana Disciple Creature C APC € 0,20
1x Anavolver Creature R APC € 0,50
1x Granger Guildmage Creature C MIR € 0,15
1x Thornscape Apprentice Creature C PVC € 0,15
1x Thornscape Battlemage Creature U PVC € 0,15
1x Thornscape Familiar Creature C PLS € 0,20
1x Thornscape Master Creature R INV € 0,35
1x Armorer Guildmage Creature C MIR € 0,15
1x Raka Disciple Creature C APC € 0,20
1x Rakavolver Creature R APC € 0,40
1x Thunderscape Apprentice Creature C INV € 0,20
1x Thunderscape Battlemage Creature U PVC € 0,15
1x Thunderscape Familiar Creature C PLS € 0,20
1x Thunderscape Master Creature R INV € 0,35
1x Ceta Disciple Creature C APC € 0,20
1x Cetavolver Creature R APC € 0,35
1x Shaper Guildmage Creature C MIR € 0,15
1x Stormscape Apprentice Creature C INV € 0,20
1x Stormscape Battlemage Creature U PLS € 0,20
1x Stormscape Familiar Creature R TSB € 0,35
1x Stormscape Master Creature R INV € 0,40
1x Civic Guildmage Creature C MIR € 0,15
1x Dega Disciple Creature C APC € 0,20
1x Degavolver Creature R APC € 0,35
1x Sunscape Apprentice Creature C INV € 0,20
1x Sunscape Battlemage Creature U PVC € 0,15
1x Sunscape Familiar Creature C PLS € 2,50
1x Sunscape Master Creature R INV € 0,40
1x Necra Sanctuary Enchantment U APC € 0,20
1x Ana Sanctuary Enchantment U APC € 0,20
1x Raka Sanctuary Enchantment U APC € 0,20
1x Ceta Sanctuary Enchantment U APC € 0,20
1x Dega Sanctuary Enchantment U APC € 0,20
4x Arcane Sanctum Land U ALA € 0,75
4x Crumbling Necropolis Land U ALA € 0,50
4x Jungle Shrine Land U ALA € 0,40
4x Rupture Spire Land C PDS € 0,30
4x Savage Lands Land U ALA € 0,75
4x Seaside Citadel Land U ALA € 0,90
Aantal kaarten: 69
Prijs van het deck: € 27,70