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Magic film - TAP: Max's Game

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13-10-2011 13:32:00

De Tsjechische regisseur Kamil Beer heeft een onafhankelijke film gemaakt over een groep jonge magicspelers en hun levenswijze, waar ik aandacht aan wil schenken in dit nieuwsbericht.

2D Studio
in coproduction with


TAP: Max's Game - Directed by Kamil Beer

Czech director and writer Kamil Beer, in association with Tomas Lénárd's 2D Studio and the Audiovisual centre of CVUT college present the sports drama Tap: Max's Game. Musical score composed by Stanislav Ferko, author of the Srdce musical and Srdcefest organisator. Max´s Game is the first movie inspired by the card game Magic: the Gatherng, played by over six million people around the world. This unique independent film, dedicated not only to Magic players and fans of the sports drama genre, tells an exciting story about the strength of a true friendship.

"Everyone has happy endings. If it's not happy, then it's not the end." Karel Adam (Ondrej Holecek), however, seems to disagree. Several years ago, he and his four best friends were the top players in a Magic club Fireball and had the time of their lives. They needed nothing but still had it all – they had each other.

However, these times are long over. The Fireball gang had shattered and the club was sold. Only Karel now visits the closed club, remembering the great times he had.

One day, he sees his favourite game being played in a café, and so he asks himself a question: Can you stop being someone who have you been all the time?

And the answer changes his card career forever.

Max's Game is a story about a friendship, separated by love...

... a friendship, separated by time...

... a friendship, separated by glory...

... a friendship, united by memories.

Come join Karel on a hard path towards a second chance, which is given just once in a lifetime...

DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT"There are only good endings. If it's not a happyend, it's not the end."

In the world of Magic: the Gathering, fantasies come true, and I believe that sometimes, even in the real world, this happens too. This is a part of a dramatic story about real friendships that don't vanish with time, but instead they stay, while we might not even see them at first. As the first movie about Magic: the Gathering, we are focusing on the subject that most – not if all – Magic players have experienced at one time in their lives. Playing Magic cards with their friends in card clubs, then everybody moved on. But what if you are missing the old times? What if there is a part of you that got stuck back there?

Max's Game is a sports drama, focusing both on the challenge of rekindling old friendships and becoming a great Magic player. There is a lot of symbolism in the movie for those who would like to find it; some of the more obvious examples are Magic colors, wore by the Fireball gang.

People appreciate stories about them, about the underdog, who tries to become the best against all odds. Karel Adam is the underdog here and you can connect with the character, disappointed and sad, alienated by his old friends with the fear of losing them again; then blossoming into his full self, the natural Karel Adam that have always been there.

Working with AVC CVUT and 2D studio was a great experience. Our Director of photography from 2D was among one of the first crew members and a great filmmaker indeed, and AVC have lent us the most important part of a good independent film – semi-professional equipment and great, dedicated people to make the movie with. Other excellent people have joined us in the process: Costume designer Martin Dušek, Music composer Stanislav Ferko; Key Hair/Make-up Irena Másová, PR manager Nina Zardalishvili, and many more.
We are making this movie on a small budget as a nonprofit film that's going to be released on the internet for free and in independent cinemas for a symbolic entry fee. We welcome all donations, because all money goes back into the film – in the form of merchandise and screenings.

Kamil Beer

Links en trailerMeer info over de film op onderstaande link:

Bekijk de trailer op Youtube

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Danny (38) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
7-5-2012 22:17:00

ben benieuwd eerlijk gezegd. Hopelijk werken ze het wel een beetje mooi uit en niet al te cliché.

7-5-2012 23:06:00

Holy necro!!!!

17-5-2012 11:38:00

Dear all,

after a year and a half long journey from nothing to a big feature, we have just released TAP: Max's Game on the web for free download. Get your copy here:


Best regards,
Kamil Beer
Writer/Director of TAP: Max's Game

gilles (3) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
17-5-2012 13:03:00

nou ben benieuwd. veel zal het waarschijnlijk niet zijn

17-5-2012 17:36:00

Ik heb em net bekeken. Best slecht. Ik vraag me heel erg af wat 'het doel van de film en de doelgroep was. Want hij is echt niet te begrijpen voor mensen die niet magicen en om nou te zeggen dat het sociale aspect van het spelletje lekker uit de verf komt... Alle stereotypen worden bevestigd.

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