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Zaterdag 23 februari: Modern Open

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8-2-2013 17:31:00

Hallo iedereen,

Zaterdag 23 februari is er een Modern Event in Tilburg georganiseerd door Magic A.D. Tijdens dit event wordt er E500,- in de prijzenpot gedaan. Hieronder staat de nodige informatie weergegeven. Inschrijven kan in het topic.
Hopelijk zien we jullie op het toernooi!

Vriendelijke groet,
Team Magic A.D. ▪ Format: Modern
▪ Rules Enforcement Level: Competetive; Swiss + top 8
▪ Decklists: Yes
▪ Registration: ' 17,50
▪ Start: 11:00 uur (doors open @ 10:00 uur)

Price support:
'500 euro will be divided between the top eight players. Also, there will be booster prices based on the attendance.

The winners get a slot for the Magic A.D. Invitational! You can also earn points just by competing!

Gatecrash Draft


You can get a wide variety of food at the location. From all the soft drinks to delicious wraps to grilled cheese sandwiches.
Your own food and drinks are not allowed inside the building.


Boulevard Café
Noordstraat 51

(Note: this is a different location than the Legacy Open on 24th of February)


By car:
It's easy to get to the location by car. The location has enough parking spots which are free to use.

By public transportation:
When you arrive at Tilburg Central Station you can walk to the tournament site. It will take you two minutes.

 Reactie plaatsen

Reacties (1)

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18-2-2013 12:02:00

Pak je kans om serieus te testen voor de Modern PTQ's en doe mee!

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