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5-11-2013 10:46:00

Ik snapper gedeelte uitgebreid zoeken niet zo goed...
Als ik bij oracle text unblockable schrijf, krijg ik drie unhinged resultaten.
Wat doe ik verkeerd?

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5-11-2013 11:16:00

probeer eens "can't be blocked": hier

Hij pakt hem niet precies goed, maar wel beter dan unblockable... wat geen keywoord meer lijkt te zijn sinds m14 of theros

Global Moderator NederMagic Rules Advisor Xander (1) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
5-11-2013 11:38:00

quote: "Unblockable Demoted to Definitely Not a Keyword

And when people ask about indestructible, unblockable is usually not far behind. One might expect it to get a similar upgrade to keyword, but alas, one would be mistaken. Here's the thing: there are actually many variations on unblockable. There are cards like Barrenton Cragtreads, Firefright Mage, Goblin War Drums, and several others. It would be strange and counterintuitive if unblockable functioned like a keyword but all the subsets of unblockable didn't. So, to alleviate confusion as to why unblockable isn't a keyword, we're going to make it more obvious that it isn't by changing its template to "can't be blocked." As you've seen, the words "can't be blocked" were used on cards already, so this change seemed very natural. Please note this is a change in template only. No cards will functionally change."

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