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[CM2] Commander Anthology

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30-11-2016 18:42:00

In the same spirit as Duel Decks: Anthology and Planechase Anthology, Commander Anthology gathers four previous Commander products–"Heavenly Inferno," "Evasive Maneuvers," "Guided by Nature," and "Plunder the Graves"–together in one convenient package. Includes four specialized life counters, tokens, and all cards included in the original decks.

Set Name: Commander Anthology

Release Date: June 9, 2017

Official Three-Letter Code: CMA

Twitter Hashtag: #MTGCMA

Languages Available: English

MSRP: $164.99 *Applies to U.S. Only

Heavenly Inferno

Ken Nagle (Lead)
Mark Gottlieb
Scott Larabee
Ryan Miller
Mark Purvis


Mark Globus (Lead)
Peter Knudson
Erik Lauer
Ryan Miller
Lee Sharpe

Evasive Maneuvers
Initial Concept and Game Design:

Mark L. Gottlieb (Lead)
Dan Emmons
Ethan Fleischer
Scott Larabee
Steve Warner

Final Game Design & Development:

Billy Moreno (lead)
Ethan Fleischer
Ron Foster
Mark Globus
Dave Guskin
with contributions from Matt Tabak

Guided by Nature
Initial Concept and Game Design:

Ethan Fleischer (lead)
Dan Emmons
Aaron Forsythe
James Hata
Charles Rapkin

Final Game Design & Development:

Ian Duke (lead)
Mark Globus
Peter Lee
Dan Emmons
Max McCall

Plunder the Graves
Initial Concept and Game Design:

Dan Emmons (lead)
Kelly Digges
Ethan Fleischer
James Hata
Chris Tulach

Final Game Design & Development:

Ben Hayes (lead)
Kelly Digges
Mark Globus
Shawn Main
James Sooy
with contributions from Matt Tabak
bron: hier

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Reacties (3)

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13-5-2017 20:15:00

Gaan we deze hier op Nedermagic kunnen kopen?

13-5-2017 20:18:00

Ik heb er nog niks over gehoord, maar de planechase had ik wel, dus denk het wel. Ik ga eens informeren.

13-5-2017 20:25:00

Oke, top! Bedankt

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