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[AAN] Diverse Kaarten Van (ELD en THD)

11-12-2020 16:27:00

Diverse kaarten in nieuwe staat, Los of samen het maakt mij niet uit. ik wil er vanaf!

Throne of Eldraine:
{=bonecrusher giant(a)|eld}
{=bonecrusher giant|eld} 2x
{=bonecrusher giant|eld} Foil
{=realm-cloaked giant(a)|eld} 2x
{=realm-cloaked giant|eld}
The Circle of Loyalty (ELDM) Foil
Gilded Goose (ELDR) 3x
Emry, Lurker of the Loch (ELDR) 3x
The Great Henge (ELDM)
{=murderous rider |eld} Foil
{=murderous rider |eld}
{=murderous rider (a)|eld}
{=the royal scions (a)|eld}
Once Upon a Time (ELDR)
Fabled Passage (ELDR) 2x
{=brazen borrower (a)|eld} 2x
Questing Beast (ELDM)
{=oko, thief of crowns (a)|eld}

Theros Beyond Death:
{=shadowspear |thb}
{=klothys, god of destiny (a)|thb}
{=ashiok, nightmare muse (a)|thb}
{=thassa, deep-dwelling (a)|thb}

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