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Numa, Joraga Chieftain (EF) € 1,00 CMR Green U
Nymris, Oona’s Trickster (EF) € 1,00 CMR Multicolored R
Obeka, Brute Chronologist (EF) € 3,95 CMR Multicolored R
Opt (EF) € 1,00 STA Blue U
Opt (EF-JP) € 3,95 STA Blue U
Prava of the Steel Legion (EF) € 1,00 CMR White U
Primal Command (EF) € 3,95 STA Green M
Primal Command (EF-JP) € 9,95 STA Green M
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher (EF) € 4,50 CMR Multicolored M
Putrefy (EF) € 1,50 STA Multicolored R
Putrefy (EF-JP) € 2,95 STA Multicolored R
Queen Marchesa (EF) € 9,95 CMR Multicolored M
Radiant, Serra Archangel (EF) € 1,00 CMR White U
Rakdos, Lord of Riots (EF) € 8,95 CMR Multicolored M
Ramos, Dragon Engine (EF) € 11,95 CMR Colorless M
Ravos, Soultender (EF) € 7,95 CMR Multicolored M
Rebbec, Architect of Ascension (EF) € 0,75 CMR White U
Regrowth (EF) € 1,50 STA Green R
Regrowth (EF-JP) € 1,95 STA Green R
Revitalize (EF) € 0,50 STA White U
Revitalize (EF-JP) € 1,00 STA White U
Reyav, Master Smith (EF) € 0,75 CMR Multicolored U
Reyhan, Last of the Abzan (EF) € 5,95 CMR Multicolored M
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh (EF) € 4,95 CMR Red U
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces (EF) € 29,95 CMR Blue M
Sengir, the Dark Baron (EF) € 1,00 CMR Black R
Shock (EF) € 1,00 STA Red U
Shock (EF-JP) € 1,95 STA Red U
Siani, Eye of the Storm (EF) € 1,00 CMR Blue U
Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa (EF) € 2,95 CMR Multicolored M