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Garruk vs Liliana (GVL)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Liliana Vess € 7,95 GVL Black M
Mutilate € 1,50 GVL Black R
Nature’s Lore € 1,50 GVL Green C
Overrun € 0,20 GVL Green U
Phyrexian Rager € 0,15 GVL Black C
Plated Slagwurm € 0,35 GVL Green R
Polluted Mire € 0,15 GVL Land C
Rancor € 1,95 GVL Green C
Ravenous Baloth € 0,40 GVL Green R
Ravenous Rats € 0,15 GVL Black C
Rise from the Grave € 0,15 GVL Black U
Rude Awakening € 0,50 GVL Green R
Serrated Arrows € 0,30 GVL Colorless C
Sign in Blood € 0,40 GVL Black C
Skeletal Vampire € 0,35 GVL Black R
Slippery Karst € 0,15 GVL Land C
Snuff Out € 9,95 GVL Black C
Stampeding Wildebeests € 0,20 GVL Green U
Swamp € 0,20 GVL Land L
Tendrils of Corruption € 0,20 GVL Black C
Treetop Village € 1,00 GVL Land U
Twisted Abomination € 0,15 GVL Black C
Urborg Syphon-Mage € 0,15 GVL Black C
Vampire Bats € 0,15 GVL Black C
Vicious Hunger € 0,15 GVL Black C
Vine Trellis € 0,25 GVL Green C
Wall of Bone € 0,20 GVL Black U
Wild Mongrel € 0,15 GVL Green C
Windstorm € 0,15 GVL Green U
Wirewood Savage € 0,20 GVL Green C

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