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Blessed vs Cursed (BVC)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Abattoir Ghoul € 0,15 BVC Black U
Angel token € 0,20 BVC n.v.t. S
Appetite for Brains € 0,15 BVC Black U
Barter in Blood € 0,20 BVC Black U
Bonds of Faith € 0,20 BVC White C
Butcher Ghoul € 0,20 BVC Black C
Butcher’s Cleaver € 0,15 BVC Colorless U
Captain of the Mists € 0,30 BVC Blue R
Cathedral Sanctifier € 0,15 BVC White C
Champion of the Parish € 2,25 BVC White R
Chapel Geist € 0,15 BVC White C
Cobbled Wings € 0,15 BVC Colorless C
Compelling Deterrence € 0,15 BVC Blue U
Dearly Departed € 0,35 BVC White R
Diregraf Captain € 0,50 BVC Multicolored U
Diregraf Ghoul € 0,20 BVC Black U
Dismal Backwater € 0,20 BVC Land C
Doomed Traveler € 0,15 BVC White C
Dread Return € 0,60 BVC Black U
Driver of the Dead € 0,15 BVC Black C
Eerie Interlude € 1,50 BVC White R
Elder Cathar € 0,15 BVC White C
Emancipation Angel € 0,20 BVC White U
Falkenrath Noble € 0,20 BVC Black U
Fiend Hunter € 0,20 BVC White U
Forbidden Alchemy € 0,15 BVC Blue C
Gather the Townsfolk € 0,20 BVC White C
Geist of Saint Traft € 3,95 BVC Multicolored M
Ghoulraiser € 0,15 BVC Black C
Goldnight Redeemer € 0,15 BVC White U

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