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Ice Age (ICE)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Abyssal Specter € 0,20 ICE Black U
Adarkar Sentinel € 0,20 ICE Colorless U
Adarkar Unicorn € 0,15 ICE White C
Adarkar Wastes € 27,95 ICE Land R
Aegis of the Meek € 1,00 ICE Colorless R
Aggression € 0,20 ICE Red U
Altar of Bone € 14,95 ICE Multicolored R
Amulet of Quoz € 1,25 ICE Colorless R
Anarchy € 0,45 ICE Red U
Arctic Foxes € 0,15 ICE White C
Arcum’s Sleigh € 0,20 ICE Colorless U
Arcum’s Weathervane € 0,20 ICE Colorless U
Arcum’s Whistle € 0,30 ICE Colorless U
Arenson’s Aura € 0,15 ICE White C
Armor of Faith € 0,15 ICE White C
Arnjlot’s Ascent € 0,15 ICE Blue C
Ashen Ghoul € 0,35 ICE Black U
Aurochs € 0,15 ICE Green C
Avalanche € 0,20 ICE Red U
Balduvian Barbarians € 0,15 ICE Red C
Balduvian Bears € 0,20 ICE Green C
Balduvian Conjurer € 0,20 ICE Blue U
Balduvian Hydra € 1,00 ICE Red R
Balduvian Shaman € 0,15 ICE Blue C
Barbarian Guides € 0,15 ICE Red C
Barbed Sextant € 0,15 ICE Colorless C
Baton of Morale € 0,20 ICE Colorless U
Battle Cry € 0,20 ICE White U
Battle Frenzy € 0,15 ICE Red C
Binding Grasp € 0,20 ICE Blue U

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