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Modern Event Deck (MD1)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Duress € 0,20 MD1 Black C
Raise the Alarm € 0,20 MD1 White C
Soul Warden € 0,75 MD1 White C
Plains € 0,20 MD1 Land L
Swamp € 0,20 MD1 Land L
Elspeth, Knight-Errant € 9,95 MD1 White M
Sword of Feast and Famine € 44,95 MD1 Colorless M
Caves of Koilos € 1,00 MD1 Land R
City of Brass € 9,95 MD1 Land R
Honor of the Pure € 2,25 MD1 White R
Isolated Chapel € 4,95 MD1 Land R
Kataki, War’s Wage € 2,95 MD1 White R
Vault of the Archangel € 3,95 MD1 Land R
Windbrisk Heights € 0,75 MD1 Land R
Elspeth, Knight-Errant emblem € 2,95 MD1 n.v.t. S
Myr token € 0,20 MD1 n.v.t. S
Soldier token € 0,20 MD1 n.v.t. S
Burrenton Forge-Tender € 0,40 MD1 White U
Dismember € 1,95 MD1 Black U
Ghost Quarter € 1,50 MD1 Land U
Inquisition of Kozilek € 3,95 MD1 Black U
Intangible Virtue € 0,20 MD1 White U
Lingering Souls € 0,40 MD1 White U
Path to Exile € 3,95 MD1 White U
Relic of Progenitus € 4,95 MD1 Colorless U
Shrine of Loyal Legions € 0,25 MD1 Colorless U
Spectral Procession € 0,50 MD1 White U
Tidehollow Sculler € 0,60 MD1 Multicolored U
Zealous Persecution € 0,15 MD1 Multicolored U

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