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Fall of the Titans

Serie: Oath of the Gatewatch (OGW)

Rarity: Rare Oath of the Gatewatch Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Oath of the Gatewatch
Fall of the Titans | Oath of the Gatewatch

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,50 (3x)



€ 1,95


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 Reactie plaatsen
Premium lid Official Rules Advisor OB (22) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
28-1-2018 10:15:00

Nee dat kan niet.
En je hoeft niet per se twee targets aan te wijzen, omdat er 'up to two' staat

28-1-2018 09:51:00

Kan dezelfde player twee keer getarget worden?

17-1-2016 18:25:00

verbaasde me over hoe speelbaar deze kaart is prima kaartje.



Surge XR (You may cast this spell for its surge cost if you or a teammate has cast another spell this turn.)
Fall of the Titans deals X damage to each of up to two targets.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

Fall of the Titan’s converted mana cost is based on its mana cost of XXR, even if you’re casting it for its surge cost. For example, if you cast Fall of the Titans for its surge cost and choose 4 for X, its converted mana cost will be 9.

For some cards, surge represents only an alternative cost, a discount that applies if you or a teammate has cast another spell this turn. Other cards, like Reckless Bushwhacker, have additional abilities or effects if you paid the surge cost to cast the spell.

The other spell that you or a teammate cast can be one that’s resolved, one that was countered, or (for instants with surge) one that’s still on the stack.

If an instant or sorcery spell cast for its surge cost is copied, the copy is also considered to have had its surge cost paid.

Casting a spell for its surge cost doesn’t change its mana cost or its converted mana cost.
