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Serie: Conspiracy Take the Crown (CN2)
Serie | Normaal | Foil | ||
Conspiracy Take the Crown | 0,35 | 2,00 |
Ik stel me een alter voor waarbij enkel 'Flying' zichtbaar blijft, onderaan de textbox. In constructed heb je de rest van de tekst toch niet nodig.
Vroeger was dit ding zo duur geweest, en nu? Gewoon een 0.60 kaartje.
Buiten draft is dit ook wel een leuke kaart. 5/4 Flying voor 4 zonder enig nadeel.
Creature - Demon 5 / 4
Draft Archdemon of Paliano face up.
As long as Archdemon of Paliano is face up during the draft, you can't look at booster packs and must draft cards at random. After you draft three cards this way, turn Archdemon of Paliano face down. (You may look at cards as you draft them.)
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander
Once Archdemon of Paliano is turned face down, you may look at booster packs and draft cards as normal.
After you draft a card at random, look at it to determine whether it needs to be revealed as it’s drafted or drafted face up. If it does, follow its instructions as normal.
If you have more than one face-up Archdemon of Paliano, keep track of the number of cards you’ve drafted at random for each one. Each card you draft at random counts toward the demands of all your Archdemons. While you’re doing this, consider carefully why the Archdemon seems to favor you.