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Serie: Commander 2016 (C16)
Serie | Normaal | Foil | ||
Commander 2016 | 1,75 |
€ 1,75
Dit is nog aardige kaart voor een massive swarm deck. Cantrip maakt de kaart speelbaar.
Untap all creatures. Until end of turn, whenever a creature an opponent controls blocks, draw a card.
Draw a card.
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander
You must cast Benefactor’s Draught before blockers are declared in order to draw any cards from its delayed triggered ability.
Each player will have a chance to cast instants and activate abilities after Benefactor’s Draught’s delayed triggered abilities have resolved, before combat damage is dealt.
If multiple copies of Benefactor’s Draught resolve in one turn, each creates a delayed triggered ability and each will trigger when its condition is met.