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Door naar Egyptische mythologie te kijken!
The serpopard is a mythical animal known from Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art. The word "serpopard" is a modern coinage. It is a portmanteau of "serpent" and "leopard", derived from the interpretation that the creature represents an animal with the body of a leopard and the long neck and head of a serpent. However, they have also been interpreted as "serpent-necked lions". There is no known name for the creature in any ancient texts.
Een cat-snake.. Hoe verzinnen ze het? o.0
Creature - Cat Snake 4 / 3
This spell can't be countered.
Creature spells you control can't be countered.
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander
A spell or ability that counters spells can still target a creature spell you control. When that spell or ability resolves, the creature spell won’t be countered, but any additional effects of that spell or ability will still happen.