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Verkoop of ruil je overtollige kaarten aan Nedermagic via onze dynamische inkooplijst of vraag per email een bod op je gehele collectie.
€ 2,95
Volgens Academy Rector zijn er 6 Students in Magic waarvan alleen Disruptive Student een buitensporige studieschuld heeft.
Knights of Thorn mochten nooit studeren, moesten buiten de hele dag in de zon op de wacht staan waardoor hun gezicht felrood verbrandde, en dat is ook de reden voor die donkere tranen.
Dan zal deze knakker ook wel geen studieschuld hebben.
Klopt. Het beschermt wel ook nog tegen Fortification.
Dus nog even voor de duidelijkheid: "Protection from" beschermt tegen DEBT: "This [object] can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, enchanted, or equipped by anything [quality].”
Protection from Red beschermt dus NIET tegen verbranding door de zon.
Creature - Human Knight 2 / 2
Protection from red; banding (Any creatures with banding, and up to one without, can attack in a band. Bands are blocked as a group. If any creatures with banding you control are blocking or being blocked by a creature, you divide that creature's combat damage, not its controller, among any of the creatures it's being blocked by or is blocking.)
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander
If a creature with banding attacks, it can team up with any number of other attacking creatures with banding (and up to one nonbanding creature) and attack as a unit called a “band.” The band can be blocked by any creature that could block a single creature in the band. Blocking any creature in a band blocks the entire band. If a creature with banding is blocked, the attacking player chooses how the blockers’ damage is assigned.
A maximum of one nonbanding creature can join an attacking band no matter how many creatures with banding are in it.
Creatures in the same band must all attack the same player or planeswalker.
If a creature in combat has banding, its controller assigns damage for creatures blocking or blocked by it. That player can ignore the damage assignment order when making this assignment.