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Serie: M19 (M19)
Serie | Normaal | Foil | ||
Conflux | 1,00 | 2,50 | ||
M19 | 1,00 | 4,95 | ||
Modern Masters 2015 | 1,00 | 4,95 | ||
Speed vs Cunning | 0,75 |
€ 1,00
€ 4,95
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Is zeker een solide finisher. Ik heb een paar decks met 1 er in en heb al vaak een pot ermee geindigd tegen control. Toch best bevredigend om hier de beslissende 5 a 6 damage mee te doen tegen een tegenstander met Counterspells in de hand en nog veel mana open :-)
kan dit een backup-plan zijn in mud? als al je beesten worden gecounterd...
Banefire deals X damage to any target.
If X is 5 or more, this spell can't be countered and the damage can't be prevented.
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander
To determine whether it can be countered and its damage can be prevented, Banefire checks the number you chose for X, not the amount of mana you actually spent or the amount of damage it will actually deal.
Banefire can be targeted by spells that try to counter it regardless of what the value of X is. If X is 5 or more, those spells will still resolve, but the part of their effect that would counter Banefire won’t do anything. Any other effects those spells have will work as normal.
If its target is illegal by the time Banefire tries to resolve, the spell isn’t countered, but it doesn’t resolve. The target won’t be dealt damage.