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Serie: War of the Spark (WAR)
Serie | Normaal | Foil | ||
War of the Spark | 0,35 | 1,00 |
Let er wel op dat je de kopietjes van Kalamax NIET cast, dus als je iets kopieert, dan triggert de Tank alleen maar op het casten van de originele spell, omdat je de kopie niet cast (die wordt gewoon simpelweg op de stack geplaatst).
Deze kaart is niet slecht in een Kalamax, the Stormsire deck.
Artifact - Vehicle 3 / 2
Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, Mizzium Tank becomes an artifact creature and gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Crew 1 (Tap any number of creatures you control with total power 1 or more: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.)
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander
Mizzium Tank’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered.
Mizzium Tank’s triggered ability triggers even if it’s already a creature. In this case, it gets an additional +1/+1 until end of turn.