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Alle spoilers zijn te maken in de catalogus en staan met linkjes op de winkel homepage.
Verkoop of ruil je overtollige kaarten aan Nedermagic via onze dynamische inkooplijst of vraag per email een bod op je gehele collectie.
Serie: Throne of Eldraine (ELD)
Serie | Normaal | Foil | ||
Throne of Eldraine | 0,25 | 0,40 |
€ 0,25
€ 0,40
Gemiste kans. Deze hadden ze uit moeten brengen met 7 verschillende arts. Of liever nog, dezelfde art uit 7 verschillende perspectieven!
Oh well..
Creature - Dwarf 2 / 2
Seven Dwarves gets +1/+1 for each other creature named Seven Dwarves you control.
A deck can have up to seven cards named Seven Dwarves.
Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Standard, Commander
Because damage remains marked on a creature until the damage is removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to one Seven Dwarves may become lethal if another Seven Dwarves you control leaves the battlefield during that turn.
The last ability of Seven Dwarves lets you ignore the “four-of” rule. It doesn’t let you ignore format legality. For example, during a Throne of Eldraine Limited event, you can’t add Seven Dwarves from your personal collection, no matter how happy they would be.
If you’re fortunate enough to open or draft eight or more Seven Dwarves during a Limited event, you can include only seven of them in your deck. The rest remain in your sideboard.