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Primal Plasma

Serie: Time Spiral Remastered (TSR)

Rarity: Common Time Spiral Remastered Common

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Planar Chaos
Planechase 2012
Planechase Anthology
Time Spiral Remastered
Venser vs Koth
Primal Plasma | Time Spiral Remastered

 Op voorraad 

€ 0,15 (5x)



€ 0,30


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 Reactie plaatsen
Official Rules Advisor LarsM (18) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
1-4-2012 13:57:00


2/1/2007 This is the timeshifted version of Primal Clay.

Staat gewoon bij de officiele rulings.

1-4-2012 12:34:00

Deze kaart komt denk ik eerder in de buurt van een Primal Clay.
Qua abillity en CMC komen ze precies overeen.
Alleen de kleur en de creature-type zijn anders...

4-7-2011 18:03:00

Niet helemaal, deze blijft permanent wat je gekozen hebt, de skinshifter kan de volgende beurt wat anders zijn.

Neefje dan - Tom

Tom (30) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
4-7-2011 17:30:00

Broertje van Skinshifter


Creature - Elemental Shapeshifter * / *

As Primal Plasma enters the battlefield, it becomes your choice of a 3/3 creature, a 2/2 creature with flying, or a 1/6 creature with defender.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

2018-03-16 - wotc
In zones other than the battlefield, this creature card is 0/0.

2018-03-16 - wotc
If another permanent enters the battlefield as a copy of this creature, the controller of that permanent will get to make a new choice. The copy won't necessarily have the same power, toughness, and abilities as the original.

2018-03-16 - wotc
If a creature that's already on the battlefield becomes a copy of this creature, it copies the power, toughness, and abilities that were chosen for this creature as it entered the battlefield.

2007-02-01 - wotc
If a creature that's already on the battlefield becomes a copy of Primal Plasma, it copies the power, toughness, and abilities that were chosen for Primal Plasma when it entered the battlefield.

2007-02-01 - wotc
This is the timeshifted version of Primal Clay.
