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Commander 2017 (C17)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Zombie token € 0,20 C17 n.v.t. S
Zendikar Resurgent € 3,50 C17 Green R
Worn Powerstone € 1,00 C17 Colorless U
Wing Shards € 0,25 C17 White U
Wind-Scarred Crag € 0,20 C17 Land C
White Sun’s Zenith € 0,50 C17 White R
Well of Lost Dreams € 4,95 C17 Colorless R
Wayfarer’s Bauble € 2,50 C17 Colorless C
Wasitora, Nekoru Queen € 1,50 C17 Multicolored R
Vivid Meadow € 0,40 C17 Land U
Vivid Marsh € 0,75 C17 Land U
Vivid Grove € 0,30 C17 Land U
Vivid Creek € 0,30 C17 Land U
Vivid Crag € 0,40 C17 Land U
Vindictive Lich € 2,50 C17 Black R
Vela the Night-Clad € 1,50 C17 Multicolored M
Vein Drinker € 0,35 C17 Black R
Vampire token € 0,20 C17 n.v.t. S
Vampire Nighthawk € 0,90 C17 Black U
Utvara Hellkite € 2,50 C17 Red M
Urborg Volcano € 0,30 C17 Land U
Unstable Obelisk € 0,30 C17 Colorless U
Underworld Connections € 0,50 C17 Black R
Tyrant’s Familiar € 1,25 C17 Red R
Traverse the Outlands € 11,95 C17 Green R
Tranquil Thicket € 0,25 C17 Land C
Tranquil Expanse € 0,25 C17 Land U
Tithe Drinker € 0,20 C17 Multicolored C
The Ur-Dragon € 4,95 C17 Multicolored M
Territorial Hellkite € 2,95 C17 Red R

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