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Phyrexia vs Coalition (PVC)

De kaarten uit deze serie van Magic the Gathering.

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+ - Naam + - Prijs + - Serie + - Kleur + - + - + - Foil + -
Allied Strategies € 0,20 PVC Blue U
Armadillo Cloak € 1,00 PVC Multicolored C
Bone Shredder € 0,35 PVC Black U
Carrion Feeder € 0,75 PVC Black C
Charging Troll € 0,20 PVC Multicolored U
Coalition Relic € 2,50 PVC Colorless R
Darigaaz, the Igniter € 0,75 PVC Multicolored R
Darigaaz’s Charm € 0,20 PVC Multicolored U
Dark Ritual € 1,00 PVC Black C
Elfhame Palace € 0,25 PVC Land U
Evasive Action € 0,20 PVC Blue U
Exotic Curse € 0,15 PVC Black C
Fertile Ground € 0,20 PVC Green C
Forest € 0,20 PVC Land L
Gerrard Capashen € 0,35 PVC White R
Gerrard’s Command € 0,15 PVC Multicolored C
Harrow € 0,40 PVC Green C
Hideous End € 0,20 PVC Black C
Hornet Cannon € 0,15 PVC Colorless U
Hornet token € 0,20 PVC n.v.t. S
Island € 0,50 PVC Land L
Lightning Greaves € 5,95 PVC Colorless U
Living Death € 2,50 PVC Black R
Minion token € 0,40 PVC n.v.t. S
Mountain € 0,20 PVC Land L
Narrow Escape € 0,15 PVC White C
Nomadic Elf € 0,15 PVC Green C
Order of Yawgmoth € 0,20 PVC Black U
Phyrexian Arena € 8,95 PVC Black R
Phyrexian Battleflies € 0,15 PVC Black C

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