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Pestilence Rats

Serie: Ice Age (ICE)

Rarity: Common Ice Age Common

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Ice Age
Pestilence Rats | Ice Age


€ 0,25

 Reactie plaatsen
28-11-2015 15:55:00

jeff a. menges art wins.

21-12-2011 09:50:00

vind dit op zich wel grappig kaartje.
Als ik een rat deck had zou ik hem spelen.

21-12-2011 09:47:00


Creature - Rat * / 3

Pestilence Rats's power is equal to the number of other Rats on the battlefield. (For example, as long as there are two other Rats on the battlefield, Pestilence Rats's power and toughness are 2/3.)


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Commander

Officiele rulings

Does not count itself for determining power. It only counts other Rats.
